As I usually do, I took one for the team and Bill woke early from his after work sleep so we could hit the afternoon performance. We bought tickets and rushed in 30 minutes prior to the start so we wouldn't have to sit on the metal bleachers. We were careful to sit in the middle so as not to be trampled by something. I also made sure we were near an "emergency exit." Here's a view of the VERY close quarters. It was actually worse than I imagined.

There were people who paid a bit extra to sit in the reserved seats. Please note how close they were. I'm not exaggerating when I say that they wouldn't have had to reach to touch any of the acts in the ring. [cringe] It was at that precise moment that I started to think about creeping up to the metal bleacher section.

Hammie decided he wanted to ride an elephant, so Bill took him down. Ree and I sat and took pictures. They're pretty blurry because the seats we were sitting on were on metal risers and people were walking, causing my camera to wiggle.

Then it started. Check out how close these horses are to the edge. They were seriously racing fast around that small ring. Oh and that fairy lady....came out in the beginning with a unicorn! I love unicorns. The pics I tried to take of the uni turned out too blurry.

There were some okay acts and the kids were somewhat entertained, but after the first half lasted 90 minutes, we bailed at intermission. Let's just say nobody was busted up about leaving early. The best part of the whole adventure was supporting the Shriners. They do wonderful, life-changing things for so many children and it breaks my heart to hear they may have to close some hospitals.