Monday, February 16, 2009

Oh Boy, Here We Go.

We've been trying to decide whether to move into a bigger place or do some more remodeling on our current home. Due to the horrible financial and housing markets, we've decided to do some remodeling.

The bulk of our madness involves re-doing the kitchen. It has not so lovely forest green counters, the original linoleum that is now bubbled in places, and niceish plywood/veneer cabinets. We're currently trying to decide if we're going to rip out the cabinets or re-finish what we have. After talking with Joseph (our contractor extraordinaire) today, I think we're leaning towards ripping out and putting in new. We'll see if that decision sticks after we do some pricing.

So while we finish figuring out what to do in the kitchen, Joseph will be installing lighting, tearing down the 70's wood wall in the living room, and painting my entryway. In no particular order. Stay tuned for before and after shots from now until.......who knows when.