Monday, October 31, 2011

Carving Pumpkins

We have a tradition where Bill let's the kids draw a face on their pumpkin & he carves it. This year I requested an owl and he did a great job!


tannerj_lls said...

That is our tradition too. I draw my punkin face and John carves it! Didn't do it this year because we kinda forgot until the night before then didn't feel like going to buy punkins. Lazy! I love the owl. Now you'll have to keep challenging him every year with something harder. Great job Bill!

Melanie said...

Yes, he says he's not an artist, but he is. He's drawn the kids some cool stuff over the years. You guys can carve punkies next year!

Lisa said...

We almost forgot too Tan. We bought ours the day prior to Halloween and carved that night. We had Lincoln's all ready but realized it was lame to only do one.