Sunday, November 2, 2008


I've been getting a flu shot for the last 3 or so years. I usually get a sore arm for a couple days and that's it. Not this year! Yesterday I was beyond tired. I NEVER lay around on the couch and I'll be darned (and embarrassed) to say that yesterday I did a lot of that. By last night, after a nap, I was feeling better. This morning I thought I was good, but after my shower and make-up routine, back came the feeling of ackiness.

The real bummer is I'm missing lunch out and a play with my Mom and sister! I've really been looking forward to it, but the thought of leaving my coccoon isn't sounding so great.

Moral of this totally boring story is........this year's vaccine packed a real punch for me. But I'm still gonna make my kids get it. I think it's important.


Lisa said...

We missed you. Hope you're feeling better. We'll catch you next time.