Thursday, November 13, 2008

Feeling Way Better

I'm feeling so much better! Went to the doctor Tuesday and got some great antibiotics for my strep throat and sinus infection issues. I've never had strep before and hope to never again. I'm on the mend! Good news since I'm having a double birthday party for G and my sister-in-law Arlene next Sunday. I'll be back to my version of normal by then.

Our pc is still in the shop. It will be a week on Saturday, so as you can imagine people are getting REALLY grumpy around our place. No Ipod updating, game playing on Noggin, etc. There could be a mutiny any day.........Hammie asked for his contraband plastic sword last night. It's been "doing time" in the top of his closet for several months. Things are looking grim in that department.