Saturday, July 26, 2008


Hammie and Ree were playing together in the living room yesterday afternoon and suddenly out of nowhere bonked heads. Hard. Ree dissolved into tears and immediately started putting her hand over her eye. I was sitting in the chair and ran over and grabbed her to assess the damage. It turned purple and began to swell right away. Poor girlie! Hammie somehow lucked out with a teeny little red mark. Here are a couple pictures of poor little Miss Ree Ree.

This stressful episode was the straw that broke my 13 day headache's back. After trying the chirpractor, urgent care, and finally the E.R. last night I think I'm gonna live. I had an i.v. of Torodol, benadryl, and Compozine. When that didn't completely solve the problem, some Dilaudid finished off the pain. I still have remnants of it today, but the pain pills they gave me are helping. I'm feeling MUCH better! I just hope to be able to go running this week. I've missed it.


Lisa said...

Yikes. Poor Ree. And you think you have a headache. Poor little one. Hope all of you can heal now for awhile.

Melanie said...

Her's doing good. She did have a couple of doses of Motrin, though. She was back to her ornery self the next day. Ü Scaling the big toy at Ponderosa and asking her Dad "want to push me?" oh so sweetly by the swings.

Tell Mr. L that his favorite auntie says hello and give him a squooosh for me.