This stressful episode was the straw that broke my 13 day headache's back. After trying the chirpractor, urgent care, and finally the E.R. last night I think I'm gonna live. I had an i.v. of Torodol, benadryl, and Compozine. When that didn't completely solve the problem, some Dilaudid finished off the pain. I still have remnants of it today, but the pain pills they gave me are helping. I'm feeling MUCH better! I just hope to be able to go running this week. I've missed it.
Yikes. Poor Ree. And you think you have a headache. Poor little one. Hope all of you can heal now for awhile.
Her's doing good. She did have a couple of doses of Motrin, though. She was back to her ornery self the next day. Ü Scaling the big toy at Ponderosa and asking her Dad "want to push me?" oh so sweetly by the swings.
Tell Mr. L that his favorite auntie says hello and give him a squooosh for me.
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