Thursday, June 11, 2009

Preschool Graduation

Our little ones had their last day of preschool today. It was definitely a bittersweet experience. Our kids have had wonderful teachers and learned SO much the last two years. They're definitely ready for kindergarten!

We went to Ree's celebration first. She had a little graduation ceremony, then a picnic lunch. Afterward, she went to childcare so we could go to Hammie's festivities.

Then it was Hammie's turn. Another picnic, some activities both outside and in, then it was time to go pick up Ree. He's still trying to grasp the transition from his comfy preschool life to kindergarten. It's been an afternoon/evening of many questions.

TIRED kiddos after such a big day!


Gardner Momma said...

In some of those pictures Ree looks like "umm.... did I SAY you could hug me?" to her teachers.
I can't believe they're moving on to the big K. I would've been crying if I were you!

Lisa said...

Great pics! Love the sacked out ones at the end. Adorable little graduations.