Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Walking Down a Healthier Road

First of all.....I'm still working at uploading video from the concert. I think I have to load it via a third party like Photobucket, then link to it from my blog. If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear 'em. It's only 1:44 worth of video, for Pete's sake.

The other thing we're working on here is eating better and getting on a consistent exercise routine. When I say we, I mainly mean Bill and I. However, we're also taking steps to get Miss Ree to jump on the veggie/fruit bandwagon. Such as, no you may not have any frozen yogurt until you have eaten some grapes, carrots, or apple. She's not super excited about it, but she's playing along.

Bill thinks a lot of my headache issues are related to the preservatives in processed food. So we're working to cut them out pretty much completely. I've done it before. I went on a major health kick before and during Ree and Hammie's pregnancy. I know once I get going I'll feel so much better that I won't miss it.

It's exciting to see how much Bill is into it. It's weird, but good, to see him eating vanilla yogurt with 1/2 an orange mixed in. About the only way I've been able to get him to eat fruit in the past is to blend it into a smoothie! Last night he made little individual veggie cups with raw broccoli, carrots, and two colors of bell pepper. Surprisingly filling!

Anyway, I hope this becomes a new way of life for us. No worries, I'll still bake treats (since I will know what's going into them), there will just be more healthy stuff to the right and left of them.