Friday, August 7, 2009

A Joining of Two Fish Tanks

Last night at like 8:30 Hammie comes running up the stairs saying "Daddy, Mommy come quick Ree....Ree" Bill ran down the stairs. Once his feet hit the bottom of the stairs Ree came flying up and flew down the hall to her room. Seriously, her little feet did not touch the floor. I watched.

Miss Ree had dumped about 1/4 of a big can of fish food into the downstairs tank. Sound familiar? This is the first time she's done it, but it's the 3rd time such an event has happened in the past 2 years. This was the first time they've been able to reach it since the last time it happened. Bill had forgotten to bring it back to it's top-shelf spot the night before.

Bill went on his usual tirade of how sick he is of the fish tanks, now the fish were going to die, blah. Then Hammie started saying he didn't want the fish to die, please save the fish, blah. So we trudged downstairs. I brought a doubled-up sack to put the imitation Parthenon in so that Bill could catch the fish without them all ducking in as though some fancy fish event was about to happen inside it. Although, come to think of it....there was what appeared to be a confetti shower going on inside that tank. A confetti shower to rival the New Year's Eve ball drop in Times Square.

Bill managed to catch all of the fish and they seem to be getting along with the upstairs crowd. The silver lining to the whole unfortunate event is that my favorite plecostamus is now back where he belongs. He moved downstairs for some reason, I can't really remember why.

So, time will tell about the downstairs tank. I'm not sure if it will be rehab'd or not.


Gardner Momma said...

I'm sure those little feet weren't touching the floor - she's no dummy!!