Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back to School

Well, we're halfway through our first full week back to school. Last week I went to two open houses. I met Ree's new teacher and reunited with her other teacher and the assistants. Then I took Hammie to his classroom and he enjoyed playing while I chatted with his teachers. He has the same ladies from last year. They're wonderful. They said he was quite the expert on the first day. After a summer without "friends" to play with everyday he's definitely glad to be back.

After 2 crazy, stressful days of negotiating with various people Ree is in morning preschool while Hammie goes to daycare. Then Ree goes to daycare for a couple hours while Hammie goes to preschool. All to the tune of about $100 more than our mortgage payment. Better than being $350 more than our mortgage, if they were both in full-time daycare, I guess? I must say it's a relief to have it all settled. I don't function well with loose ends, especially when they concern my kids.

Ree's new teacher is awesome. She keeps a spiral notebook in Ree's backpack so that we can send messages back and forth. It's a fantastic concept. Ree's support crew were really pleased with how much more she's communicating this year. That was really nice to hear. Tomorrow night we have her back to school bbq.

G has settled into his sophomore year without a glitch. He's doing great, just tired from the early wake-up time. I think he's going to have a good year. I'll go to his back to school night next week and meet a couple teachers he didn't have last year and visit with his Advisory teacher. He's a great guy who really cares about "his" kids. It's nice to have an advisory teacher like that because it's hard to navigate the high school world as a parent. There's the WASL, senior culminating project, SAT's, and many other hurdles. It's a bit overwhelming.


Gardner Momma said...

This time of year is so busy! It's such a nice feeling to get that stuff squared away and now the kids can get settled into their routines.

Lisa said...

WOW! I'm glad I'm not you. :)

Melanie said...

Yep, it's hard on everybody. Bill has to break up his sleep during the day on Fridays since we're doing the half day thing, there's no preschool on Friday so they go to daycare for 5 hours. He drops them off about 9:30 then picks them up at 2:30. Then when G or I get home he goes back to bed for a couple more hours. I have to work from home in the morning until he gets home at 8:00 so I get rolling with my day and then have to drive into work. Sorta a pain, but hopefully next year will be easier.

Gardner Momma said...

I never realized before I had kids that being a mother would require a Masters in organization. ;-) Yay you for pulling it off while appearing calm, cool, and collected!