Friday, September 12, 2008

Yesterday's Anniversary

I meant to post about the 9-11 anniversary yesterday but time got away from me. I wanted to talk about how I appreciated the people standing on the freeway pedestrian overpasses waving the American flag. It was a touching reminder of how thankful I am for my freedom. Seeing them also gave me a lump in my throat when I thought about those who died and their loved ones who were left to re-build their worlds.

Our friend Roger was flying on a commuter flight from upstate NY into NYC that horrible morning and saw one of the planes hit the World Trade Center. Yesterday I remembered thinking about how awful that must have been for him and how terrified Amy probably was when she turned on the t.v. that morning. I'll definitely never forget the day he called us and shared his experience.

It was the only event I may live to see where the whole country came together to mourn, pray, and hope for a better, safer future for all.


Lisa said...

I echo that. I saw a man waving a flag that day on the walking bridge thing too. It's said so much during election time it becomes cliche, but it's still worth saying - God Bless America!