I came home from work Friday night and took a rare nap. The whole entire family ('cept me) has had a nasty cold, and I was feeling over-tired so I laid down. I got up and walked out of our room in ancient pajama pants and one of Bill's undershirts. At the end of the hall there were 2 extra teenagers sitting in our living room looking at me. So, back down the hall I retreated to put on a nicer top and my jeans. Bill and the little kids came back to tell me they had ordered pizza for everyone and that G had gotten in a slightly worse bike accident than the last one. Here is the story of the latest wreck.
G was out riding bikes with some friends. He went over a jump and wrecked. Apparently some younger kids were messing with the jumps and G didn't realize there was a lip at the base of the one he was going over. I don't really understand jump design, but apparently this was a big deal. Amazingly he's not all that sore. He has a numb area on his hip owie, which I'm assuming is a bit of nerve damage that will heal with time. He's hoping for some "good scars." Here are some pictures of the carnage.

Ow!! Poor G. From the looks of it I'm sure he'll get his "cool" scars.
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