Monday, December 15, 2008

Quick No-Bake Treat Recipe

Hello! I'm not going to include a picture of these because, well, they don't look as good as they taste. They are a favorite around our house made only at Christmas time. The best part? They freeze REALLY well.

2 cups potato sticks
2 cups dry roasted peanuts
2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
2 cups butterscotch chips

Cover 2 cookie sheets with parchment or wax paper. Microwave chocolate and butterscotch chips in a large bowl until melted, stirring every 30 seconds (with a spatula). Stir in the peanuts, then fold in the potato sticks. Drop by heaping teaspoonfuls onto the lined cookie sheets and cool in the fridge until set. Voila!

P.S. I started using my new camera this weekend and am in love. My goal this week is to post my old news + pics, load my new camera's software, then post my newest pics. Just you wait! (I pretend that you're really THAT interested. Please play along.)


Gardner Momma said...

I'm so jealous that you have a new camera - I can't wait to see the new & improved pictures!

Gardner Momma said...

I love your new layout!!!!!!!!

Lisa said...

Yum, I only live a couple blocks away you know....I'd love a taste test. Quality control? Whatever you'd like to call me, I'm in.

Melanie said...

Thanks, I get my layouts free from LeeLou blogs. She designs cute stuff.

Quality control, HA!! Snowshoe yourself on ovah.