As you know, I bake on a regular basis. For many years, I used the standard baking items. Cookie sheets, teaspoons & tablespoons for dropping cookies, the usual. Then I started paying attention to what the real chefs on the Food Network use when they bake.
Everyone was using parchment paper. I thought it seemed like a frivilous item, but on a whim I bought a roll at Williams Sonoma. I never looked back. Using parchment paper means your baked goods don't over-brown on the bottom as easily, they won't stick, and clean-up is simpler. I love it and panic when I'm almost out. Williams Sonoma was the only place I could find it for a long time, but now most grocery stores carry it.
The other thing I noticed is that many chefs use little cookie scoops with spring-loaded squeeze handles. I ordered one at a Pampered Chef party. Love, love, love the scoop. It creates uniformly sized cookies, it's faster than scooping with a spoon, and can be used for other stuff like forming homemade meatballs. I actually plan to get the large scoop for making muffins.

It's not fair that you're talking about sweets when I can't eat any of them!! But I am glad that at least somebody in the family has good culinary skills that we can all benefit from! I learned something today, though, I never had a clue what parchment paper was even for!!
I promise to make you cookies after "yet to be named" is born. Promise omise.
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