Ugly bedroom fan/light combo from 1980 something:

New bedroom ceiling light:

Old, dim kitchen light:

Fancy, brighter kitchen light:

Old 1980's dining room chandelier:

Pretty chandelier that doesn't make me cringe when I walk by:

Old, embarrassing wood wall (admittedly horrid picture, but I was in a hurry):

New wall under construction, but already looking SO much better:

Is that wood wall in your basement? Why am I having such a horrible time picturing your living room now. I was thinking you had a normal inset fireplace. Not so?
The lights are GORGEOUS!!!
Oh wow, I can't wait to see it all in person and see the finished product!! It's looking great - how fun for you!
Looks great! Progress.
Nope, it's really the focal point wall in our living room. I didn't take very good before pix of it.
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