Here is Hammie cleaning out his wagon. It was a serious and important task! He's all about cleaning. Especially when it includes copious amounts of water.

Onto the running segment. I've said for years that I would never run. Well, never say never. For some reason I decided to take up running. So last night on our family walk we ran/walked a bit. Bill pulled the kids in the wagon and I trotted alongside every now and again. Then tonight G and I went running together. I'd say we ran about 2/3 of the route. It was hard! I don't know that my ribs have ever felt my lungs expand and contract that much and I actually work out pretty regularly. Oh and there's the issue of eating. I'll definitely not run less than 2 hours after dinner. Lesson learned there. I enjoyed it and will probably get back out there either tomorrow or Wednesday....depending on how I feel in the a.m.
Have a good Tuesday!
Ha, love Hammie's shirt....L would love that!
Sometimes I feel as though I'm all alone on this blog. Hello, hello, is there life out there?
I know, it's like you can hear the crickets.
I'm that way with your blog, though. I'm a total lurker. I'll try to be better.
So proud of you that you're running! And yes, do not eat before a run, be glad you learned that lesson early on. It will get easier eventually... kind of. I love the pics of the kids!
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