Friday, January 9, 2009

Lost My Marbles

I enjoyed running last summer and fully intended on starting back up once all the snow was gone. I've already been exercising 5-6 days a week, doing my Wii Fit, treadmill walking, and Tivo'd Fit network programs.

One of my staff asked me if I was interested in joining a group of people at work who are going to run a local 1/2 marathon. I've been waffling for a good month. Part of me really wanted to, but 14 miles? Well, yesterday the team leader sent out an email with a list of people who had verbally committed. I scrutinized the list and decided that if they could do it, so could I. He also included a very feasible looking training plan, so I went for it. I figure even if I walk half, my finishing time won't be too embarrassing.

I start training this weekend. Please pray for my sanity, because I think I've lost it. Oh, and if anybody wants to come cheer me on/drive me home/pick me up from the medical tent, I'll need all the help I can get.


Gardner Momma said...

YAY you!! You can do it! I am so very, very envious of you.... I really miss running. You are going to love it. It's so great taking on something like that in a group.

Melanie said...

Thank you, I need all the encouragement I can get! You'll be back in action before you know it.

tannerj_lls said...

What shows do you tivo? I'm looking for good work out shows to tivo to add to my work outs. I get borded with my dvd work out videos.

Melanie said...

I really like Gilad's workouts, they're 30 mins (really 23ish after commercials) so you get about 14 mins of toning, 7 of cardio, and 2-3 cool down. I also really like Jennifer Galardi's hip hop "All Star" workout and a couple other All Star ones. I'll look them up on Tivo and give ya the names. The All Stars are 1 hour, so if I'm short on time/energy I just do half one night, the other half the next. Other than that....I'm a big fan of Cathy Freidrich's Stretch 1 routine, it's awesome. With this whole running thing, I ought to be doing it every other day. If you don't have FitTV, search for anything Denise Austin.