The above picture was taken an hour ago. Never mind Ree's discarded jeans and Prince Charming and Sleeping Beauty nearby.
Well, I think we mostly survived the first (full) week of school. 3 weeks of holiday/snow days were too much for everyone involved. Even Ree's teacher said she was more than ready to be back. All 3 kids have been tired every night and I think they're definitely ready for the weekend. The 3-day weekend!
Last night Billiam asked if we have any plans to have his Mom visit so we could go out. Which, we hadn't officially talked about. So, he says he thinks we should spend the weekend doing deep-cleaning. Maybe do 1/2 Saturday, 1/2 Sunday. He's full of fun and excitement, isn't he? Gosh, I can hardly contain my enthusiasm at the thought of sorting Ree and Hammie's toys, dusting, mopping,listening to him steam clean the carpet (I don't know why but that sound makes me crazy), etc. Even though......it's desperately needed. Maybe we can get it done fast and still do something fun.
I know I should stop whining and be grateful that he helps with the cleaning. I am grateful. Really, I am.
Charming and Beauty look pooped too. Lincoln was in bed at 7:30 falling asleep on the way up the stairs tonight. Must be in the air.
You can send Billiam up to our house to expend some of that cleaning energy if you don't want to put up with it there at your house. ;-)
I never have this problem with Brian. I'm not sure which is worse?
Maybe while he's busy steam cleaning you can sneak off to your treadmill... he'll never know if his steam machine is loud enough. Let him think you're downstairs scrubbing.
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