My kids are pretty funny. We laugh a lot at our house. Here are some recent examples:
Hammie: Ree, I said sit down. We're gonna read a book.
Ree: [sitting down apprehensively, not really wanting to]
Hammie: Ree, criss-cross applesauce!
G: Hammie, you can't be in here right now, this show isn't appropriate for you to watch. (it was Family Man, which isn't appropriate for anyone, in my opinion)
Ree has been working on her "where's" in school so I've been trying to quiz her on her them at home. Where things/people are can be difficult concepts, you see.
Me: Where's Hammie?
Ree: He's downstairs.
Me: Where's Addie?
Ree: She's down there. (pointing to the dog on the floor)
Me: Where's Papa?
Ree: At his house.
Me: Where's the fish? (I thought this would really stump her)
Ree: They're over there swimmin' in the water. Cute!
Last but not least, this isn't an overheard convo, but cute none the less. I was setting out my nativity sets on Sunday and the following occurred:
Hammie: Who's that over there? (pointing to the angel in the corner of the creche')
Me: It's an angel watching over baby Jesus.
Hammie: Nuh, uh. No it's not.
Me: Yes it is. Who is it then?
Hammie: It's the tooth fairy! (said in an "I can't believe you didn't know that" tone)